Fall ‘24 & Winter ’25 registration now open!

Click on the workshop image below for registration and more info

Every workshop has a discreet pay-what-you-can policy. Email Colleen if you would like this option: hello@elorawritingworkshops.com

All voices matter.

In partnership with Elora Branch Library
”Looking for a hand with your short story contest submission? Join local writer Colleen and learn how to make your stories come alive.”
Image link takes you to the Wellington County Library to register.

Just in time for Halloween.
An exploration of the liminal spaces we hold inside and out.
Featuring local author, executive producer and witch Amy Miranda. (Age 18+)

November’s theme is by request!
A writerly look at the most spend-focused time of year, how we manage to balance it all, and how we got here in the first place. (Age 18+)

A soft welcome to 2025
inspired by dormant plants
and burrowing animals. (Age 18+)

Inspired by the resilient Northern Cardinal this workshop will explore themes of voice, power, defiance and beauty in a world that seems otherwise dull and grey. (Age 18+)